From homeless to happy
From homeless to happy
Tel: 07843 151819
From homeless to happy
Registered Charity No. 1178977
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Last year we helped over 250 stray dogs

DARLA DESERVES A HOME. Darla is a loving large breed Staffy cross. She has captured our hearts yet is constantly overlooked.
Darla came to us from the stray kennels with a broken leg and a dampened spirit.
Darla came into our care from the stray kennels in June 2024. She had a badly broken back leg and was a sad young girl of approximately ten months. After two lots of surgery and a recovery in a foster home Darla has found herself as a homeless youngster for over six months. This young dog had no life experience however has turned many corners in our care and in kennels. She walks well on a lead and has responded so well to guidance and training. This very loving girl deserves to find a new start and is so affectionate. We adore her but simply cannot find her a home. CAN YOU HELP DARLA.
There are now so many large breed strays in Yorkshire. Darla is one of many. We will not give up our search to find her the love and continued guidance she deserves and we ask people to please consider these abandoned ladies and gents.
Darla deserves her time to shine and the centre stage in a very special home. Her journey has been a very long one so far. Our girl remains homeless this Christmas but never loveless.

REX - Adorable ten month old German Shepherd
This sweet and loving German Shepherd is Rex. He was sadly due to be put to sleep at a local vets due to having hip dysplasia. Rex came into our care after we paid for x-rays on his legs. He is now doing amazing and under the vets recommendation Rex has been exercised in order to build muscle around his joints. Rex is loving, friendly and one amazing pup. He has made amazing progress and you would never know of his mild disability.
Our charity's plan moving forward is to support Rex with mild pain relief and keep him exercised. He has no problems with walking and enjoys life so much on an adventure. We are now searching for a forever home for Rex. Long term plans would be to offer veterinary support in the future if this was necessary. We are working hard to find this amazing youngster a new start however many people are put off due to his diagnosis. Rex is adorable.
Rex is loving, friendly and an absolute joy to be with. He will make someone a fabulous dog and has a full life ahead of him now. We aim to make it a very special one.
Dedicated to helping stray and abandoned dogs
Good Life Dog Rescue is a registered charity in Yorkshire. We are dedicated to helping stray and abandoned dogs left waiting at local stray council kennels. We work tirelessly with limited funds to help dogs in need at local stray kennels. We are very hands on and dedicated in helping the dogs that have no voice and visit the stray kennels every week. Some of our rescue dogs have suffered neglect, abuse and have endured a difficult start in life at the hands of a human. We have many that need urgent medical care.
Our vet and kennelling bills are huge every month and every effort is made to raise funds to support the dogs in our care. We do not own our own rescue kennels and are currently boarding our dogs at two different kennels in Yorkshire. We are no longer boarding our rescue dogs at kennels in Worksop. We do not pay staff so every penny goes back into supporting the dogs in need. We are a registered charity and the founder of Good Life lives in Leeds. This is our charity corresponding address. Every penny raised goes towards the care of the dogs. We pay no wages and exist with few volunteers so time is very precious and our workload is immense. Our dedication and passion is what keeps us going.
Our aim is to provide essential help for the dogs and through assessments maintain an accurate match of our dog with any potential adopter. All our dogs receive veterinary care, health checks, full vaccinations and neutering as part of our adoption procedure. Essential care and a dedication to the welfare of each dog is met until a perfect human and hound match is found. Home checks and vet references from owners previous pets veterinary practices are needed if possible prior adoption.
As a small rescue support is vitally important to us. With limited help we rely on donations and fundraising events. Any help is appreciated by donators. Please contact us for more details about the work we do and how you can help us. We are always grateful for support however small.
Adoption Process
We work extremely hard to ensure that adopters are matched well with the rescue dogs in our care. Many factors have to be considered for each individual dogs needs. Lifestyle, working hours and whether you have a family are all crucial in matching our homeless hounds with humans. Our aim is to match every dog with the right human and the perfect home environment.
Please visit our "How to Adopt" on our News page. More information and details about how to adopt a rescue dog are available to read prior to filling in an application. Due to a huge increase in people wanting to adopt dogs your patience is very much appreciated.
This lady is beautiful needs a home. She has so much love to give. See her profile page.
Young and loyal
Nora is one beautiful young lady. She is two years old and one amazing girl. Gorgeous girl.
Gorgeous girl who has made amazing progress
Darla has waited six months to find a home. She arrived as a stray with a broken leg. Her leg is now healed and she urgently needs a home.
Gorgeous Beth
Beth has come into our care yet come into our care from the stray kennels. She is very loving and only ten months. See her profile page
Three years old and looking for someone special.
Brenda is still looking for a forever home
This beautiful boy is Rex. Rex needs a foster home.He has hip dysplasia
Gorgeous Bulldog
Looking for love
Hannah is gorgeous and yet again is another unwanted and neglected young Staffy cross. This sweet natured dog has endured a turbulent life. see her profile page very soon.
Brenda is a wonderful Chow Chow. She has been recovering from her spay operation and eye surgery in a foster home, She now needs a forever home.
Rex was due to be put to sleep on 30th October 2024. We could not allow this to happen, He is loving and friendly and deserves a life.
This gorgeous girl is Muffin. She is new into our care from the stray kennels and is six years old. She is fabulous. See her profile page.
Very loving sweet Staffy needs a home.
Gorgeous girl.
BEAUTIFUL TULIP This comical girl is a very loving Pocket Bullie
Looking for love
SPECIAL APPEAL FOR PEARL This girl is amazing. She has arrived in an appalling state of neglect
GORGEOUS SENIOR PETE. This handsome dude is even years old.
Patsy is new into our care from the stray kennels. She has a wonderful nature and is a very loving girl. Please see her profile page.
Tulip is new into our care from the stray kennels. She is very loving and friendly and three years old. Tulip needs a new start. Can you help?
Pearl has arrived into our care as a stray. She is a puppy herself who has recently produced a litter. She needs a very special home. More details will follow.
This gorgeous pocket Stafford senior is now looking for a home. He has arrived yet again as another unwanted stray. He is loving however extremely broken and shut down at the moment. See his profile page.
Fundraising is very important to us. We have limited funds and are self supported and run completely on few volunteers. We do not pay wages so every penny will go back into supporting the strays from Yorkshire pounds. Our charity continues to survive on a passion and dedication for the stray dogs in need waiting at local council stray kennels.
Fabulous supporters and donators to many rescues.
For every tin of treats bought, another is donatored to a rescue of purchasers choice. Brilliant! Click on image to see their site.

All monies raised through fundraising contributes to our vet and kennelling fees. Love and thanks are sent to everyone that supports us along the way.
We have proudly been supported by...
We are now looking for bric-a-brac donations and unwanted gifts for our fundraising events for 2024. Chocolates, wine or any unwanted gifts.
We also need donations of clothing for local charity shops that support us with funding throughout the year.
Donations of un-wanted gifts, goodies and Bric-a-Brac. Good quality teddies are always appreciated for our fundraising stalls. We have up and coming fundraising events planned for 2024 so help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Sellable donations raise much needed funding for our dogs kennelling bills and large veterinary costs.
Please contact 07843 151819 or email goodlifedogrescue@yahoo.com
Donations needed
We are supportive of other rescues who help dogs waiting at stray. Many are in need of urgent help and medical care.
Support Aid for Strays is formerly Netherlands Dog Rescue. Jeanette Hollywood remains dedicated to helping Yorkshire Strays and now supports other rescues who help stray dogs from UK pounds.