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CRYSTAL - Friendly and loving Saluki cross





Good with other dogs:

Good with children:

Good with cats:

3 Years



Part of adoption




Crystal has now been in our care over a month. She is adorable, very loving and adores a cuddle. She is a Saluki cross mix and of course a Lurcher. This lady adores cuddles and is in her element in your arms. She walks so well on a lead and is such a great lady to walk. This said if she sees squirrels she is very interested and does get excited for zooms. Crystal arrived in our care with a balding poor coat from a Yorkshire stray kennels. She has now been fully vaccinated and had treatments to make her skin better. Due to being quite rounded we have now had to ultra sound scans on Crystal to establish whether she was carrying puppies. The results are negative and our vets feel she may of had a phantom pregnancy. We are relieved to say the least. She is such a stunning dog with a loving nature and we are now searching to find her a new start and a very loving sighthound home. Crystal is three years old and will benefit from regular walks and someone who can offer her some time to adjust back into a new home. She is adorable and such a beautiful dog with an endearing nature. She is cheeky and fun loving and we all adore her loving nature. PLEASE SUPPORT THIS FORGOTTEN LADY.

Crystal needs a home that love Lurchers. She has a wonderful nature and will need plenty of exercise and time to adjust. This is necessary for all rescue dogs especially the ones that have been abandoned and neglected as strays. Crystal needs a home that love to walk and understand that sighthounds will chase and cannot be let off lead. We feel Crystal will benefit from a home with plenty of company and someone prepared to keep on top of Crystals medicated bathes for her skin. Support with this young ladies skin is given by the charity until she is all better. Crystal will thrive in a home and we know her coat will improve greatly in home comforts with weekly bathing. She has already improved so much however dogs in kennels needing bathing is a hard task. She has already received treatments to help her and we now desperately trying to move forward in finding her a new start. Crystal could possibly live with a nice natured castrated male dog or ideally as the apple of your eye. She could live with older children however she can be giddy. An enclosed garden for her to play and run in would be heaven to release the burst of energy she owns. Crystal is a loving, super affectionate dog and is very deserving of finding her happy ever after. Please consider the Yorkshire strays. Crystal will make someone a wonderful dog and we absoloutely love her to bits. She had not had one viewing since she arrived in our care.

Rescue dogs have often suffered difficult lives and some form of trauma due to abandonment. We ask people to consider the huge commitment and lifestyle change of owning and adopting a dog. Rescue dogs need time to settle back into a home. This can be an immediate thing or take at least four to five weeks. If you are dedicated and understand that all rescue dogs need time to adjust then we would love to hear from you. Please consider the huge commitment of dog ownership. Thank you.

Our charity is very small. We work hard to support the dogs left behind at stray kennels. We pay no wages and do not have staff so are extremely busy. We are snowed under with dogs and appeal for support and adoption support. Foster homes are also needed. Support, patience and kind words are always appreciated.
Good Life dog rescue
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